Grow and Die?

Grow and Die?

We’re all familiar with quotes attributed to various people essentially saying that businesses are either growing or dying. In other words, if you are content with where your business is, you will get lapped by someone who isn’t. While that mindset fosters a healthy commitment to constant improvement, what’s rarely said is that it’s possible to grow a business to death.

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Surviving Economic Crisis: Assess, Reformulate, Execute
Nathan Smith Nathan Smith

Surviving Economic Crisis: Assess, Reformulate, Execute

In our third episode of our COVID Crisis Management Series we focus on a three step process to reorient your business to the new economic environment with particular attention to the commercial aspects of the business. This episode is approximately 28 minutes long.

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A Post-Mortem (Mine)
Nathan Smith Nathan Smith

A Post-Mortem (Mine)

Some of you will already know that one my recent ventures, SUP-X: The StartUp Expo, a national early stage conference held in Florida for six years, recently met the fate of most startups and is "no mas" as they say here in Miami. When I signed off from SUP-X, I mentioned that at some point I would share some lessons learned from that experience and today is that day.

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Customers Are King!
Nathan Smith Nathan Smith

Customers Are King!

Most startups that I interact with are very focused on trying to meet investors and raise capital from VC funds. Too often that focus is too early in the lifecycle of the company and too often it competes with what I think is the more important focus on generating revenue. I have never once – never - had a random startup ask me if I could introduce them to a potential customer, particularly in the abstract, but the requests for ideas on which VC funds to pursue or for introductions to specific funds or investors are too many to count. That is telling and plain wrong as nothing should be more important to most startups than generating a dollar of revenue and here’s why. 

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